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Baghira Carb breather hose's??

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:18 pm
by bluerob
Hi All,

I've stripped my carb down and cleaned it and put it back on the bike, and just made the rookie mistake of not taking photo's of where all the breather pipes go. DUMBASS...

Anyway, I have 2 pipes with a t connector in the middle, i know where one goes on the left hand side behind the choke cable, one end of it goes down the bike to underneath to get rid of fuel etc, but where does the other end go?

I have another pipe with a t connector in the middle, that i know i took off the right hand side of the bike, but once the carb was off i couldnt see anywhere for it to attach to.

I have 1 breather pipe coming out of the bottom of the carbs that is just an exit pipe.

And i also have 1 pipe that goes between the left and right carb on the top.

Does anyone have any images of where things go?

Also on the right hand side of the carb that large metal trunk with the rubber hose that has a plastic bit in the middle, what is that for?

Any help is much appreciated.

Many Thanks

Re: Baghira Carb breather hose's??

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:55 pm
by Baggy_Al
Have look on Grahams website, thay have all the parts fiche on the site, if you go into the engine menu there is exploded view of the carbs, should be a help.


Re: Baghira Carb breather hose's??

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:32 am
I tried to upload what I believe you want but no luck.
Try a search with the title...

Re: 660
Then go to page 24, the picture I hope you need is there.

It's dated Nov. 16, 2012


Re: Baghira Carb breather hose's??

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:11 pm
by bluerob
Thanks Robert for that, was looking at the first photograph of the diagram on the piece of paper, and that doesn't seem to be for the Baghira as it says it has a Carbon filter and as far as i can work out there isnt one.

Also it shows a breather to the tank and there's no where on my tank for a breather to attach to.

I can see where one end of the hose goes, into the airbox this is the one from the left hand side of the bike sorted, but as for the one that came off the right hand side, i'm now clueless, as I can't see anything for it to attach to on the engine or the carb's.

Anyone got any more images?

Ta Rob

Re: Baghira Carb breather hose's??

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:38 pm

To your first question, the only two carbon filters that I can think of are the emission cannister that my Baghira didn't have when purchased and the second I'm thinking that you're talking about comes off the right carb, right/front side with a half inch OD tube that has a small vent/filter attached.


Re: Carb Breather hoses

Re: vac hose? 3YF vac hose question