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Question about type of engine oil for mz etz 251

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:28 am
by taban341
Hi guys
I’ve been another question about type of engine oil
A person in zhoopa mz group in iran said
For engine oil using gear oil yamaha (auto 75 to 90)
And another person said use oil (40)
You think which option is correct? gear oil(75to90) or 40 ??!!
And engine oil capacity is 750cc it’s correct?!

Re: Question about type of engine oil for mz etz 251

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:21 am
by parrbd
I use 75w90 gear oil in the gearbox. It is important that it is not a GL5 specification oil because it will ruin your clutch. GL4 or GL3 are OK. I have used straight SAE30 but the gearshift was stiff so I swapped it out pretty quick. I also found that 20W50 motor oil worked well. To mix with your petrol, any two stroke oil (like they use in chainsaw premix) would be best, however I have used various auto motor oils when two stroke oil was not available without any major issue.

Re: Question about type of engine oil for mz etz 251

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 4:58 am
by Blurredman
As with Parrbd, I have experimented too.

I actually currently use SAE80 trans oil in my etz's, and currently also in my ES250 but I actually preferred the shifing on the ES250 with 15w40 mineral motor oil so next oil change I will be using that, instead. I have also used 20w50 in the ETZs with no problem. But taban you live in a place which seems warmer and more constantly so so maybe a heavier oil is best (and cheaper?), that said the official MZ manuals do not state anything about deviating from their specified weight of oil regardless as to where you are in the world.

ETZ oil capacity is 900-1000cc.

I use any 2t oil, whatever is cheapest for me (I buy in bulk of 4.5 UK gallon drums) and that can be mineral, or semi synthetic- doesn't matter to me. Bulk buy is cheapest. I have also used motor oil too without issue, though that has been just short term. Normally run on 25:1 on motor oil.

Re: Question about type of engine oil for mz etz 251

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 5:11 am
by Guesi
Blurredman wrote:Normally run on 25:1 on motor oil.

MZ recommends 1 Liter Oil with 50 liter fuel.
So the ration is 1:50

Using a ration of 1:25 as you propose is not good. The oil cannot be burned totally and you find it as charcoal on the piston, piston rings , exhaust etc.

More is not always better

And, nevertheless, more smoke coming out of the exhaust does not make the people happy who drive behind you :-)