I have a new-to-me Skorpion Traveller that I am trying to sort through a wiring kludge that some unknown number of previous owners have created. I have managed to pull out and disconnect the aftermarket accessories and, with the help of the wiring diagrams and other documents I've found here am trying to get to an original starting point. The diagram shows a large battery lead from the positive post to the starter solenoid, which I have. It also shows a smaller black wire that goes from that post to the 7A fuse, which I don't see. In the area of the battery and the starter solenoid I have a grey connector that I haven't been able to find any matching end for, which is visible in the attached picture.
My initial questions are, since I am sure there will be more, what wire should I be looking for to go from the positive terminal and the fuse box, and what should that grey connector tie to?
And another unrelated question has to do with the tank. Is there any special trick to taking it off? It seems like this should be really simple. There are two bolts holding the tank to the horseshoe mount at the rear of the tank and a small plug type thing at the front. I expected that I could disconnect the tank at the rear and pull it back from the plug at the front but I am clearly missing something simple. What is the trick to removing the tank?
thanks for helping an old newby.