Progress has slowed up a bit as I ride the roller coaster of life.
I have managed to squeeze in a little ETZ time every now and then. I have lapped my old clutch on to the shinny new crankshaft , carefully cleaned off the surfaces and torqued the clutch to 90 Nms , crossed fingers that I dont have the same problem as @skyeport; I hope to get the clutch cover on the engine this week end.
I ordered a replacement stand bumper which I was intrigued to find it made of bakelite. Quaint but not entirely functional in my opinion. Unfortunately it shattered as I tried to install it. So I have opted for a block of seasoned Australian hardwood
The latest issue is fitting the rear wheel. When I finally fitted the cush drive around the right way and fitted the brake hub I find that I there is not enough space to fit the side stand or the spacer that replaces it ( by a good 6mm). The wheel hub is original but I have replaced all the missing parts, brake hube , shoes, cam, cush drive and sprocket hub, axel and sidestand
Remembering that the rear wheel was not in the bike when i got it, I wondered if the ends of the swing arm could have been bent inwards at some stage. I measures 220mm between the swing arms at the chain adjusters.