Newbie from Somersham Cambridgeshire UK

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Newbie from Somersham Cambridgeshire UK

Postby AlanJ » Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:53 am

Hi all,
New to this site but riding on and sometimes off for 60 yrs. As you can imagine, quite a few bikes over the years, one which stands out was a Vincent Black Shaddow smiled on by George Brown of 3 wheel world record fame for his brother. I bought it after the brother and it was a real pig to ride, there was no clutch slip, it was on or off, no nice easy take off you just made sure it was clear infront, drop the clutch and then woosh you were off. Not easy going through London in the rush hour. Mind you I wish I still owned It, I would be richer by about 50k. Anyway, at the moment I am sorting out my 1977 MZ TS250/1 which I am ashamed to say I have not ridden since 1988. Now I think about it some of you guys were only just starting about then. I will mention I also have a Suzuki Burgman 650 and an MG TF 2 seater so not ready for the box just yet. Good to talk to you take care all Alan.
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Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:31 am
Location: Somersham Huntingdon Cambridgeshire

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